December 2, 2020

Did Charles send you here?

I got highlighted on Facebook today by my newspaper design hero, Charles Apple. I hope you weren’t planning to come to this page finding juicy tidbits of my life or words of wisdom. I re-launched this site back in March when we all thought 2 weeks’ worth of beans in our cabinets would get us through a pandemic.

Oh, we were wrong. So very, very wrong.

And, it turns out, working from home is not conducive to personal projects! So while we did manage to paint our house (hey, I should do a blog post about that) or get pretty good at making sourdough things (I should also blog about that), you’ll find none of that mentioned here.

Oh, and as it happens, I have to keep plugging away on my next alumni magazine. So, yeah, this is as long as this blog post is going to get.
